In this section you will find the information of where you can reach the author of the application or the webmaster depending of the type of request.
Remember that if I will do my best to answer any request or question that I'm alone to do so. So please be patient, you'll get an answer. For me there is no silly question or small customer.
Support: support(at)
Bugs: bugs(at)
Webmaster: webmaster(at)
Author (Francois Larouche):
began my career 15 years ago as a software engineer in Canada. For half my
career I acted as a consultant in numerous industries among different fields of
activity, giving thus a significant experience in various environment and
computer languages.
My love for travels and my desire to see the world brought me to France in 2002, in US for 3 years in November 2006, then in Korea since 2013. While consulting for Accor in Paris an important turn changed my career path from software architecture to software security when I've been offered to join the security team.
There I've been working as a security engineer for 4 years in penetration testing, giving security trainings, security audits, developing security tool, architecture counseling and gave some security speeches.
Afterwards in California at Qualys, I combined my development knowledge with my Penetration testing skills to co-author an automated Web Application Scanner (WAS).
I then moved back to Montreal where I acted as the principal architect for a startup called Whatsnexx using my security skills to improve security on the platform.
At the same time keeping doing security research while creating my new security company Genebulis.
Now I'm living in Korea studying Korean full time and to concentrate on working on my company and the next version of SQL Power Injector.
If I'm lucky enough to say that I love what I'm doing, well my work is not what I'm only doing. I share most of my time to travel the world, reading, practicing and teaching Taekwon-Do ITF, music, photography and playing violin. I'm a great believer in the saying "Mente sana in corpo sano" (Sound mind, sound body).

Here you will find all the details about my career and personal data. Now that I started my consulting security company, Genebulis, I'll be more than happy to help you with any applicative security needs you have.
Click here to download my resume
Copyright © 2006-2014 Francois Larouche